Saturday, September 22, 2012

CoMantra provides guaranteed online PC Support for most overseas clients

The road to success for an Information Technology support and service provider is not always strewn with “roses, roses all the way” but full of thorns, too. And this is what happened to a promising IT company located east of Suez and internationally known as CoMantra. Even though the name is synonymous with computer solution (Co tipping-off Computer while Mantra in vernacular Sanskrit stands for omnipresent Solution), the budding Banyan (Tree)  had  to fight hard with its malevolent competitors to establish itself as an innovative IT support organization providing online PC support with the help of cost effective desktop remote software.

However, as the legendary British poet once sang “If winter comes, can spring be far behind’, CoMantra’s winter days are now over and computer users from all over our lonely planet are registering their names with us for online PC support on a priority basis even by paying in hard currency, and that too, in advance!
Incidentally, ever since the mushroom growth of IBM clones filled the desks of all and sundry, mending these Intelligent Boxes (Not idiot boxes such as the televisions) became a prime occupation with whosoever knew the ABC of a PC. Since transporting a full system comprising the CPU, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, etc in most cases was a difficult proposition, the PC doctor had to visit each and every sick PC on a regular basis, charging as much fee as the innocent and computer un-savvy client could ever fork out or afford.  

But the entire scenario underwent a sea change with the advent of Remote PC support software where neither the system was needed to be transported to neither anywhere nor the technician had to visit the customer for providing the service. In fact, everything was done remotely through the Internet. Today we provide online PC support with the help of especially designed software which instantly connects our own PC with that of the customer and as a result, our specially trained technicians instantly diagnose the fault and rectify the same directly.

As for the clients, their systems are configured in a safe and secured way (by using industry-standard 256-bit SSL encryption technology) so that only we can access their servers and PCs or Laptops from our control room. As a result, the computer faults (including virus removal) are rectified immediately; downtime become minimal and no movement is needed on anybody’s part. The expenses, incidentally, are included within the PLAN offered by us and signed up by the customer in advance.

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