Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Team CoMantra summaries some important issues that can decrease the speed of your computer

1) Virus Problems: A computer virus is a small software program that spreads from one computer to another and interferes with computer operation. A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk. Computer viruses are frequently spread by attachments in email messages or by instant messaging messages. They also spread through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden in pirated software or in other files or programs that one might download. Viruses make the computer very slow and ultimately the computer seizes to operate.

2) Insufficient RAM: If one has limited RAM (memory) or available – free unused space on the startup disk, one might encounter problems including slowdown of the computer.  Applications and processing on one’s computer requires physical RAM to work. The more applications one launches or the larger the files those applications work upon, the more physical RAM is consumed. Depending on the usage of the computer the RAM capacity has to be a minimum of 2 GB and a maximum of 6 GB.

3) Spyware: Spyware is malicious software that captures user information without their knowledge. As the name suggests spywares are kept in a hidden manner and the users are unaware of them. Examples of spywares are “key-loggers” which can capture user information such as password and other personal data like internet surfing habits, user logins, and bank or credit account information. Some spywares can change computer settings, which can result in slow internet connection speeds un-authorized changes in browser settings, or changes to software settings. Every effort should be taken to detect and remove such spywares which ultimately affect the computers speed.

4) Start up overload: This one basically refers to the icons and notifications that pops up on the computer screen once the same is turned on .There are times when the start up is overloaded with a number of icons and notifications. Periodic removal of unwanted icons and notifications helps in enhancing the computers speed.

5) Too many windows and temporary files : Over a period of time, the whole gamut of applications that are installed and run leave a number of temporary files in the user’s temporary folder. These can also be Auto Backup files, log files, files in mid-creation etc., and unless checked and deleted these may occupy a considerable space in the hard disk thereby reducing the speed of the computer. It’s a well known fact that deleting these temporary files frees up much of the occupied space and in the process speed up the computer’s performance.

6) Poor security software:  In the recent past CoMantra has observed that the Internet is now flooded with free security software and without knowing implications of the same these security software and firewalls are being used for the protection of the computers. Use of this poor security software ultimately hampers the computers performance and eventually slows down the same. So use of genuine and tested security software is a must for maintaining the computers speed and performance.